Racing as an Image of Faith

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Metaphors have the power to transform the mundane and trivial into the immortalized and spiritual. Having said that, it suddenly becomes clear how religion have used metaphors to exemplify and make sense, to expand and assure, to distinguish and grow faith. Metaphors, however, do not have any effect to the hearers unless they are able to connect with them in the intimate level. Only when we immerse ourselves in the explicit that is at hands, we are able to move into the implicit that is beyond. Then, and only then, we can fully embrace the faith hidden within each metaphor, catch the spirit within each allegory, and internalize the moral within each story.

This is my story. Not necessarily the most interesting and the most unique, but certainly the only one that counts; not on the basis of celebrity or public opinion, but simply because it is the only one I have, and the only one I can share without fear of copyright infringements. In telling my story, I have come across many metaphorical aha moments. Some of these I am planning to share soon and some others I will keep to myself until I feel they are ready to reproduce faith in others.

Race of Faith

Speaking of faith... faith is a race. Faith defined as the finding of purpose and meaning in life is a race, perhaps the very race of life. Faith as basic trust, in God and in other human beings, is a race, in fact a hurdle race; as I look back I can see how hard it has been to build that trust throughout the obstacles, disappointments, treasons, and frustrations of life. Faith as living a religious life and having a religious affiliation is also a race, perhaps a relay race, as we struggle to preserve tradition and morals and pass them on from our generation to the generations to come.

To no surprise Paul the apostle wrote often about the race of faith. He wrote to the church in Corinth: "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win" GWT: 1 Corinthians 9:24.

I started my personal race of faith many years ago, when I was a teenager, but Paul's words did not take full meaning for me until I started to run last year in preparation for my first competitive race. My understanding of this metaphor took a new dimension as I started to enjoy running which such intensity that I felt compelled to share my reflections on this blog.

Faith of Race

This blog then deals with finding hints of faith in running as we train and participate in races and competitions. At the same time, we will provide practical advice to help you prepare for your own races, especially, your own race of faith. Hopefully, and with the collaboration of others, we will offer parallel discussions about the relationships between running, racing, rituals, and religion in general, as well as useful tips on running, participating in races, strength and speed training, hydration and nutrition, exercise gear, and the like, as we encourage you to live a balanced life; a life of physical, psychical, spiritual, and social harmony.


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